A lost insurance policy can spell ruin.
Insurance Records
It's a lot of work keeping track of insurance records without the aid of Record Tree®. Many people have more than one health or life insurance policy. What if you misplace one? Don't panic. You can probably still make a claim, but it's a pain to reconstruct the details. And, it takes time you may not have. If you record the minimum policy identifiers in Record Tree®, you'll always have the essential details at your fingertips. Show loved ones or caregivers where you stored the information in Record Tree® in case something happens to you. It's good insurance records management.

Insurance Record Keeping
Insurance records are rarely used. So, why is insurance record keeping important? Because, you may have to produce insurance records with very little notice. Think of all your policies… property, life, health, disability, liability… maybe from multiple providers for different family members. How can you keep track of it all? With Record Tree® insurance record keeping software.