Keep track of important vital documents in Record Tree®
Vital Documents
Everyone has vital documents, records and papers. If you haven't taken an inventory and recorded the whereabouts of your important documents and papers in a secure system like Record Tree®, you are leaving yourself open to devastating loss or fuse-blowing frustration. Where's your will? Only the original is legal. Do you have deeds, trusts, certificates or contracts lying around? Record Tree® is programmed to help you organize vital documents, records and papers and make a record of their locations. You will always know where your important documents and papers are. You, or someone acting on your behalf, will always be able to retrieve them without delay.

Important Documents
If you have important documents lying around consider a secure storage system and record the details accurately in Record Tree®.
• Will • Trust • Deed • Bill of Sale • Lease • Mortgage • Passport
• Bankruptcy • Marriage License • Divorce Decree • Birth Certificate
• Death Certificate • Social Security Cards • Power of Attorney
• Contracts • Prepaid Arrangements • Stocks • Savings Bonds
• Employment Agreement • Warranties • More
Scans or copies are not legal documents. Record Tree® always points to the original or most up-to-date version of important documents.