Take vital information with you in an emergency or disaster
Emergency Disaster Preparedness
You are not really ready until your emergency preparedness and disaster preparedness plans include the information you will need for survival and recovery in a software program like Record Tree®. Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, fires and other natural disasters destroy paper records. Without digital records you will waste time and money trying to reconstruct documents when you should be rebuilding your life. Make a digital copy to your emergency records for your "grab-and-go" kit. Put another copy in your vehicle. Take one to work. Remember, it might not be you who has to find your emergency records. Record Tree® emergency disaster preparedness software can help you out.
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Emergency Records
In a disaster, you have to be prepared for anything. Be sure to gather, organize and protect your emergency records, store their details and locations in Record Tree® and create a digital backup on an external drive or the new USB wallet card. In an emergency, you can take your USB Record Tree wallet card and have all of your vital record information with you! Even if your documents are lost you can still access your information. Reconstructing it from memory will take time and add to the stress of an already stressful situation. You should be prepared to take a record of insurance policies, wills, deeds, titles, contracts, financial assets, bank account numbers, credit card numbers, safe deposit box details, logins and passwords, doctors, pharmacists, specialists, employers and emergency contact phone numbers with you.
There are 12 top line information categories in Record Tree® to record more than 160 items that can be useful in an emergency or disaster.
Record name, address and contact information for your family physicians, specialists and pharmacists in Record Tree®.
Carry the Record Tree® Emergency Alert Information Wallet Card with you at all times.
Insurance Information Category in Record Tree®
Organize your insurance information in Record Tree® before a disaster strikes. Record everything you need to return your life to normal. Contact your insurance agent with your policy number as quickly as possible after a disaster. The contact information and policy number are in your Record Tree® backup or USB wallet card.
Emergency Contacts and Important Numbers Categories
In the aftermath of a disaster, there are many organizations, companies and people to contact. You won't remember them all or their numbers, but Record Tree® will. Let family and friends know you are alright.
Legal Information Category in Record Tree®
The effects of disasters and emergencies go beyond personal injury and property damage. You may have to ask your lawyer questions like these:
- Am I eligible for disaster unemployment insurance?
- Is my employer required to keep my job open for me?
- What do I do if I lose my identification?
Assemble the information your lawyer will need to help you in Record Tree®, including his/her contact information.
Medical Information Category in Record Tree®
Family disaster plans require names, addresses and phone numbers of you doctors,
pharmacists and specialists.
If you have to replace
prescriptions your pharmacist
knows the current meds and
dosages. If someone has
to take care of you, your Record
Tree® Emergency Alert Information Wallet Card could help save your life.
Include vital information in your emergency preparedness plans.