The client thank you gift that can change your clients' lives, as well as, your business.
Client Thank You
Record Tree® software is the client thank you worthy of the business relationship you share with your best clients. Record Tree® helps key clients keep the records of their lives, the very records you need to perform a better service for them. There's no telling what a difference keeping personal financial records or family medical records might make to your clients' lifelong wellbeing. Personal record keeping software is the client gift your clients will thank you for. Order Record Tree®, now and we'll interface with your company logo. No charge.
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Do you exhibit at tradeshows? Speak at conferences? Record keeping software is the professional services marketing idea for insurance marketing, attorney marketing, financial services marketing, even physician marketing that does what you advise… organize vital information and documents for better management of personal and family matters. Potential customers remember a client gift like that.
Keep track of legal documents and financial assets in Record Tree® "Locations".
Information from the Medical Category and Personal Profile section of Record Tree® combine to create a Medical Summary Alert, which includes your contact information.
Help multiple policy holders organize and keep track of their policies and relationship with your company.
Client Thank You Gift for Lawyers and Attorneys
Record Tree® instructs your clients how to record the locations of important legal documents like wills, trusts, deeds, powers of attorney,.. any document or detail of information essential to ownership or legal status. Order Record Tree® software as an appreciation gift.
Client Gift for Financial Advisors and Estate Planners
There are billions of dollars in unclaimed assets in state treasuries because families and survivors don't know they exist. Help your clients avoid unnecessary losses. Give your clients a copy of Record Tree®, the practical thank you gift, that keeps track of financial assets.
Client Gift for Physician Marketing
It's usually the other way around. Patients thanking doctors. Support your practice with a business thank you gift that's a practical medical aid. Give key patients Record Tree® software, where they can create a Medical Alert Summary with your emergency contact information. Order now for selected patients.
Client Gift Idea for Insurance Marketing
Record Tree® includes a category for recording insurance information and keeping track of policy documents. As a thank you gift, Record Tree® helps embed you and your company firmly in your clients' lives and goes beyond with tools to help them organize the rest of their personal and family information. Order now for your high value clients.
As a promotional tool,
the Record Tree® interface
can be co-branded to feature
your company's logo. We will
work with you to develop a
marketing program that uses the
software to attract and impress
clients and prospects.
You can present Record Tree® software as a gesture of appreciation to new and/or existing clients.
By offering attendees complimentary copies of Record Tree®, you can attract prospective clients to company events.
With our professionally prepared materials, you can host seminars to educate your clients and prospects on the importance and mechanics of maintaining a personal record archive.
If you have other collaborative ideas, we are open to exploring them with you. To find out more about becoming a Record Tree® partner, please send your request via e-mail to: