Plan ahead and create peace of mind with My Wishes in Record Tree®
Last Wishes
Plan ahead. Make a record of your end of life decisions so others know what your last wishes are. Record your final wishes and the location of your end of life documents in Record Tree®, a personal record keeping software system that keeps everything in one place and informs loved ones of what you want. Don't be afraid to make your wishes known. Talk to your family now. If you wait, you may not be able to tell them later. For peace of mind, tell those responsible for your affairs that your last wishes and end of life decisions are in Record Tree®. And, give them authorized access. Don't ask your loved ones to second guess what you would have wanted to happen.
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End of Life Decisions
Record Tree® software provides the organizing framework for you to record details of your advance directive, living will, medical power of attorney, prepaid funeral plan, organ donation, POLST form (Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment), living will and instructions for how you want to be remembered. Put your last wishes and end of life decisions in writing now and record the document locations in Record Tree®.
Advance Healthcare Directive
An Advance Healthcare Directive provides instructions for your healthcare, what should and should not be done, in case you are incapacitated and unable to express your wishes. Check with authorities for the forms and requirements in your state, but if you have one, let Record Tree® know where it's located and how to retrieve it.
Document personal data in Profiles. Add notes with special instructions.
Record the location of wills and other important documents in Record Tree®.
Last wishes can't be honored if no one knows. Share them in Record Tree®.
Record Tree® is the place where you
make your wishes known
What arrangements have you made? Are they prepaid? What are you preferences for scripture, music, remembrances? Record Tree® will guide you and record your wishes.
Where is your will? Who is your attorney? Do you have financial assets in a bank safe deposit box? Which bank? Record the location of important documents in a program like Record Tree®, share that information with your spouse, loved one or caregiver and authorize access.
Organ Donation
Make sure loved ones know how you want your body and organs to be handled. Do you want to donate or not? Do you want to donate to science or to others? It takes more than your driver's license to communicate your desires. Leave the details in the Organ Donation form in Record Tree®.